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In light of the evolving Covid-19 pandemic, DE Club has compiled a series of answers to common questions pertaining to the situation at hand. Should you have more questions, please email or write in to us at We would get back to you as soon as possible.
The health and well-being of our faculty hinges on each and every one of us to stay alert, vigilant and responsible to this developing situation.
Is it mandatory for us to take and declare our temperature twice everyday on the online website?
Yes, it is mandatory for students and staff to declare their temperature twice everyday on . The temperature taking exercise is a simple exercise that does not take more than one minute of your time.
Can I be excused from the temperature taking exercise if I do not have any thermometer at home?
In light of the current nCoV situation, students are highly encouraged to purchase their own thermometer. In the event where students do not have thermometer and are unable to purchase their own thermometer, they can go approach their respective department-in-charge via email or go to any of the temperature screening stations in NUS campus. The location of the stations can be found here:
Please note that the temperature screening station outside SDE4 GIS Lab is closed until further notice.
Do I still have to declare my temperature if I am not coming to school for classes? Do I have to declare my temperature during weekends?
Yes, it is mandatory for students and staff to declare their temperature twice everyday on even if they would not be in school.
Students who are not able to locate their own thermometers can collect it from their respective department-in-charge. However, there is not enough thermometers for the entire NUS Community. Students who do not need the thermometers should avoid collecting the thermometer unless necessary. The respective department-in-charge would be as follows:
Department of Building:
Walk-in at the Department office
Department of Real Estate:
Mdm Kamariyah (
Ms Zainab (
Mdm Vidya (
Department of Architecture:
Ms Ires Cheng ( - Thursday 20 Feb onwards
Division of Industrial Design
Ms Wendy Yeo (
Given that there should be no in-person classes, tests, meetings or interactions between students and staffs of SDE till 21 Februrary 2020. Students should send emails to the respective in-charge BEFORE the collection of thermometer.
What time should i take my temperature and declare on the online website?
Students are recommended to take their temperature once in the morning and once in the evening. For the morning temperature taking, students are recommended to take their temperatures before their first lesson or by 10am, whichever comes first. For the evening temperature taking, students are recommended to take their temperature by 5pm.
How will the e-learning classes be conducted?
It is up to the discretion of the respective course instructors on how the e-learning classes will be conducted. Students should check with their respective course instructor with regard to this matter.
Which of the office is still operational? In the event where I have queries, who can I reach out to during this period of time?
Given that there should not be any in-person classes, tests, meetings or interactions between students and staffs in SDE, students should email or call the respective personnel if they have any queries in this period of time. In the event where students require face-to-face consultation, students are encouraged to make arrangements with the respective personnel or course instructors through email. Contact details could be found on the respective websites:
NUS SDE (General):
Department of Architecture:
Department of Building:
Department of Real Estate:
Division of Industrial Design:
Will Freshmen Orientation Projects (FOPs) 2020 be cancelled?
Since it is an evolving situation, the new protocols for FOPs 2020 are uncertain as of now. However, all FOPs plannings have been suspended.
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